Thursday, August 21, 2008

Weight Loss---Lose Weight With Foods Containing High Amount of Fiber

Since fiber improves large intestine function and keeps the muscles of the large intestine strong, it speeds up the transit time of food and increases the size of stool (fecal bulk), thereby helping prevent constipation and hemorrhoids. Foods that contain fiber are typically low in fat and therefore it is a very important component in weight control as well.
In this article we will discuss why foods containing high amounts of fiber can eventually make you lose weight.

New Diet Breakthrough
Fast Weight Loss With Advance Dieting and Fat Burning Technique

1. Foods high in fiber offer more food per calories
Since most fiber can not be digested in your stomach, they have a negative calorie effect. Fiber also help to trick your stomach into feeling full with less calories than you would normally eat.

2. Prolong your meal
High fiber foods require lots of chewing and swallowing. Therefore it takes longer for you to finish your meal.

3. Fill up your stomach
Water soluble fiber absorbs water from your stomach and forms a kind of gel that swells up, causing receptors in your stomach to signal your brain that you are still full and no longer need to eat.

4. Stabilizes blood sugar
Foods containing high fiber such as whole grain, and dried bean release their sugar slowly into blood streams thus supporting blood glucose stability to help weight loss. Also a high fiber meal can affect blood sugar's response to the next meal, keeping your blood sugar more stable throughout the day.

5. Boost your Hormones
Glucagon-Like Peptide-1, a small protein that is naturally produced in the human body and can slow the digestive process and giving a sense of fullness, causing you to lose weight.

6. Block some calories
Fiber blocks the absorption of calories and enhances your body's absorption of nutrients. Study shows that a diet containing only 20 grams of fiber a day absorb 8% more calories than a diet containing 48 grams of fiber.

New Diet Breakthrough
Fast Weight Loss With Advance Dieting and Fat Burning Technique

I hope this information will help. If you would like to read more of above subject, please visit my home page at:
Click here For Unstoppable Fat Loss.

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